NYC Transit Frequency, and NYC Population Density.
Adding multiple URL Map Servers into a web map. The first URL contains NYC Transit Frequency, and the second URL is NYC Population Density.
Services directory – urbanobservatory_nyc_transitfrequency(mapserver). (n.d.).
Services directory – newyorkcity_popdensity(mapserver). (n.d.).
Guide to Network Analysis – Generate Origin-Destination (OD) Cost Matrix
Guide to network analysis (part 5 – generate od cost matrix). ArcGIS API for Python. (n.d.).
Lincoln Park Zoo, Points of Interest and Crime Hotspot Analysis for the City of Chicago
Analyzing violent crime. ArcGIS API for Python. (n.d.-a).
Part 3 – finding point of interests. ArcGIS API for Python. (n.d.-c).
Geocode function using the ArcGIS Geocoding service in search of facilities around the City of Riverside, City Hall.
Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia
Illuminate Terrain with custom hill shade tutorial.
3D Globe App
Created a 3D globe app with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript by The Half-Earth Project.
Protected areas and rangelands in with Iberian Lynx Conservation Program by Consejeria de Medio Ambiente in orange.
Data Downloaded 1/11/2021
Data Credited to Life+IBERLINCE Project
Esri Utility Network course results
Modify feature templates, create features, run traces, establish all three kinds of associations, modify terminal connections, create and update subnetworks, and work with diagrams. Also, explored the concepts of network topology, dirty areas, and subnetworks.
Network Analysis
Miami to San Francisco using ArcGIS Network Analysis Find Routes